We work to maximise independence and to offer a warm and welcoming environment to everyone who walks through the door. It’s an opportunity to meet people in similar situations and to talk openly about events, worries and life in general in a safe and secure setting. It’s also a place where you can feel ‘normal’ again.
We have a variety of activities and everyone who attends brings a special bit of personality that adds to the atmosphere of the group. There’s a nice home cooked meal at lunchtime and refreshments throughout the day. Sometimes its just nice to have a cup of tea made for you for a change!
There’s no ‘one size fits all’ and the Team works with each patient on an individual basis to provide complimentary therapies, counselling and 1-2-1 meetings as required. It’s a positive step towards rebuilding confidence and beginning to enjoy life again after receiving a life-limiting diagnosis. Friendships and support circles which carry on outside of the Hospice have been formed right here in our comfortable lounge. It’s a great way to avoid feeling isolated and afraid.
Referrals are accepted from GPs, Macmillan Nurses, Hospitals and other specialist teams in the community. The Day Hospice Team arrange to meet and assess you and if our Day Hospice meets your needs then we will offer you a 12 week placement. This will usually be for one weekday. Up to twelve patients will attend on any day and you will have your own individual care plan discussed and agreed with you. Throughout the period this will be monitored and amended but changes will never be imposed upon you; we always consult and agree your plan with you.
Occasionally we will extend the 12 week period if it is felt that this is necessary and beneficial to you. And if you cannot make your way to Halton Haven independently we will arrange transport for you via our minibus – and there’s many a tale told on there too!