We use an Amazon Wishlist to provide up to date shopping lists of things that we need at the Hospice.
Instead of sending a cash donation just visit Amazon Wishlist. the items on there may be things that you wouldn’t think of like plants for our gardens, tools for our maintenance team, craft materials for our patients in Day Hospice or office supplies that we use every day. The list changes all the time and by buying something from there you will be helping the Hospice thrive and save funds to use for patient care.
If you would like to show your support in this way all you have to do is:
In lieu of presents
Why not buy and item from our Wishlist instead of sending a relative or friend a birthday, Christmas or anniversary present?
Send them a card with a note to let them know what you bought, or email us at fundraising@haltonhaven.co.uk their name and address and we’ll send them a card from the Hospice to say thank you.