Breathlessness Clinic
Breathlessness can be a frightening and distressing symptom for patients and those around them. It can limit speech and leave an individual feeling isolated and anxious.
Halton Haven Hospice provides Clinic where breathlessness is a main symptom of a life-limiting diagnosis. Our practitioner works to develop person-centred plans which may or may not use the other therapies offered in our Day Hospice.
We aim to give you back control of your life by alleviating anxiety, fatigue and breathlessness. By enabling you to better manage symptoms we will grow your confidence and enable you to live a better quality of life.
Our Practitioner will do this by:
- Introducing you to practical strategies and techniques to manage breathlessness
- Introducing you to practical strategies and techniques to manage fatigue
- Reviewing person-centred care plans on a regular basis
- Discussing practical aids and equipment for your particular condition
- Introducing complimentary therapies and physiotherapy as appropriate
- Discussing sleep and factors affecting that
- Teaching breathing techniques
- Discussing community support and other agencies
- Forward planning with you for the future
Referrals are accepted from GPs, Macmillan Nurses, Hospitals and other specialist teams in the community.
This service is also available to those on our In-patient unit.